Netboss Comunicaciones S.L., an innovative company which is a leader in Information Technology, considers that the providing of services and the generation of solutions of the highest quality is an essential lever for the sustainability of the organisation and the creation of value for all interested parties: shareholders, clients, and employees, among others.
In order to support the strategic management of the organisation in the achieving of these goals, Netboss Comunicaciones S.L. has a Quality Management System based on the requirements of standard ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 18295-1:2018, ISO 20000-1:2018, 22301:2012, ISO 26000:2021, ISO27001:2013, ISO 45001:2018, UNE 166002:2021, and the National Security Scheme (Esquema Nacional de Seguridad, ENS) with the following essential principles:
- Establishing client satisfaction as one of the main objectives of the whole of the personnel, producing and supplying high quality products and services with the lowest possible environmental impact, looking after the security of their information and under the R+D+i strategy that characterizes the organization as an innovative company.
- Understanding that success depends both on the technological capacities and on the talent and involvement of the workers in order to achieve the proposed objectives.
- Ensuring compliance with the contractual requirements, those legally applicable as a result of the activity carried out and the geographical location, and those voluntarily assumed by the organisation, and also being committed to prevent contamination.
- Working together to maintain a safe and healthy work environment.
- Managing the knowledge, talent and competence of all our employees by promoting their training and development.
- Defining specific measurable objectives in relation to quality, occupational health and safety, the environment, information security and R+D+i in line with the strategy of the company.
- Generating knowledge (in research) and the realization of value (in innovation) with contribution of ideas with purpose, management of uncertainty, adaptability and systemic approach.
- Managing the processes efficiently, applying the principle of continuous improvement to all operations carried out and services provided.
- Assessing periodically the relevant information for the purposes of maintenance and the continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System.
- Integrating the Management System in the overall management of Netboss Comunicaciones S.L.
- Making the Integrated Management System available to the whole of the organisation so as to encourage the participation of the employees and assess the suggestions for improvement proposed with the aim of encouraging continuous improvement.
- Maintaining permanent communication with our clients, suppliers, and other groups of interest with the aim of obtaining the necessary information and stimulus for the permanent improvement of our products and services.
- Act in a socially responsible manner, considering the social and environmental impact of our activities.
- Provide a safe and healthy workplace, preventing injuries and work-related health problems.
All of us at Netboss Comunicaciones S.L. endorse these principles and it is our responsibility to put them into practice by carrying out the duties allocated within the framework of this Integrated Management System and compliance with the corresponding internal regulations, and transmitting them for their application also to the suppliers, subcontractors, associates, and collaborators who take part in our operations.
The Management of Netboss Comunicaciones S.L. undertakes to lead the development and implementation of this policy as it considers that respecting these principles leads to the growth and profitability of business, maximising the value of Netboss Comunicaciones S.L. for its employees, clients, shareholders, and other groups of interest.