Netboss Comunicaciones renews its credit rating with Inbonis

We are pleased to announce that we have renewed our “BB” credit rating, reflecting the strength and financial stability of our company.

The Spanish agency INBONIS Rating, a pioneer in the rating of SMEs and midcaps in Europe, has been in the market for three years, with 360 companies rated since its registration by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). Inbonis was created with the aim of facilitating the financing of small and medium-sized companies on equal terms with large companies.

The renewal of our “BB” credit rating is both a sign of the importance of sound and strategic financial management to us and the result of our commitment to excellence in all areas of our business and our ability to maintain strong and stable financial performance.

Inbonis’ credit rating will allow us to access new financing opportunities and therefore expand our business and deliver even more value to our customers. This also positions us for continued growth and success in the future and reaffirms the confidence of our investors.

We appreciate our team’s hard work and dedication over the past few years, which has led to this important renewal of our credit rating.

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