The Spanish Paralympic Committee continues to support its sportsmen/sportswomen with the technology of Netboss Communications during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Netboss Comunicaciones makes available to the Spanish Paralympic Committee a technological platform to keep its athletes in contact with the professionals who accompany them during the confinement.
The client:
The Spanish Paralympic Committee has the same nature and functions as the Spanish Olympic Committee, but for disabled sportsmen and sportswomen. Since its creation the Spanish Paralympic Committee has taken the form of a body for uniting and coordinating all sport for the disabled in the state of Spain in close collaboration with the Higher Sports Council +info:
The challenge:
As a result of Covid-19 the Spanish paralympic sportsmen and sportswomen had to stay at home. The follow-up of trainers, managers, and the medical team, who were also confined, could not be carried out. Without being able to keep their appointments with nutritionists and trainers in person, the athletes of the Spanish Paralympic Committee (Comité Paralímpico Español, CPE) had to continue their preparation for the 2021 Paralympic Games. The CPE had to continue with its activities of supporting and administering the needs of its athletes in a digital manner and adapt to the problems generated by the delocalisation of its resources and confinement. Netboss Comunicaciones proposed a comprehensive technological solution to the CPE which combined several tools such as its Contact Center multichannel platform and its scheduling platform and Kairos365SCH integrated prior appointments in addition to personalised solutions:
- The professional teams (technicians and doctors) of the CPE were no longer in their offices. They needed a platform for administering Internet calls (switchboard in the cloud) to allow communication among the whole team without having to use personal resources. Software installed in the mobile phone of the technical and medical team allowed the answering of calls with all the functions of a physical call center platform.
- Our Kairos365 platform for the scheduling of appointments gave the Paralympic Committee a solution so as to organise the appointments in a virtual manner. Our solution groups together all the relevant information on each sportsman/sportswoman in centralised form so that it can be accessed by the whole technical and medical team.
- Internet solution for exchanging the necessary documentation for charging the grants of the Olympic Sports Association.
The transformation:
- This is an improvement in the coordination of the whole of the technical team from their homes and improved management and attention for the sportsmen and sportswomen during the whole of the confinement.
- We have made possible the implementation of an online prior appointment management system which has given the sportsmen/sportswomen videoconference sessions to allow individualised management for each athlete (scheduled appointments, reports, forthcoming appointments, etc.)
Customer testimonial:
Thanks to Netboss technology they can also receive our technical assistance from a new digital telephonic platform. It is important for paralympic athletes to maintain their routine and follow-up and with this technological solution we will continue to support them in these difficult times.
Miguel Carballeda – President of the Spanish Paralympic Committee